Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall SKIP - Week 3 - Outdoor Cooking

It was a beautiful day to be at Murphys Point, and our SKIP participants joined volunteers in the Hogg Bay campground for a program about outdoor cooking.
 Of course to cook outdoors one needs a heat source, and our participants had a chance to learn about safely building a fire - with adult accompaniment, of course!

Led by volunteer Beth Peterkin, the kids were instructed on how to build a fire, with particular attention to safety. Keeping water nearby and a shovel, making sure clothing and hair is tucked in and away from flames, and being aware of wind conditions and the surrounding environment were among the factors discussed. Beth showed the group some of the basics of fire building, and before long we had two lovely campfires going in fire pits on two campsites.

Next it was time to prepare the goodies! First up, a modified version of s'mores - graham crackers and chocolate wrapped in foil - along with yummy baked apples - cored and filled with such things as brown sugar, cinnamon, chocolate chips and raisins and wrapped in foil.

Leaving some adults to tend the fires and wait for the treats to cook the water to boil for hot chocolate, Steph led the participants down to the beach. A pair of Canada geese honked as we approached, which was a good lead-in to our first game - the Migration Game. The kids played the part of birds on their way from Murphys Point to Florida and encountered all sorts of dilemmas along the way: predators, hunters, habitat destruction, bad weather, etc. It was quickly seen that getting to and from one's summer home is not always an easy feat! Next we took a breather and created the sound of a rainstorm with our hands. Then we played a modified version of the Biodiversity Tag we experienced at the Lally Homestead in Week 2.

Then we wandered down to the shoreline where we could see Canada geese and loons congregating, no doubt considering their own long journeys to their winter homes. We even saw some fungus along the way!

Everyone headed back to the campsites to enjoy the warm, toasty treats. Then we made sure the campfires were out cold before wandering to the playground for a few minutes of fun before it was time to go home.

A big thank you goes out to Beth and our volunteers Pat, Jane, Nancy and Steph. Next week Tobi will lead us all to the Silver Queen Mine as he tells us all about geology. SKIP rocks!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun, guys! Wish I was SKIPping with you all!

