We kicked the afternoon off
The first task was to haul the trees from the foundation to the shelter site, which was located against an old fence rail and in some scrubby trees for added protection. Not an easy task in the deep deep snow!
Then the kids flattened the snow in the area. Next the trees and branches were lined up to form a wall, which was then supported with snow banks.
Following a group photo demonstrating the team effort, we talked about different types of shelters and good locations for them if needed.
The participants were then released to the open field by the homestead, where they worked on building forts and snowmen and other snowy creations before returning to the drive shed for hot chocolate and other snacks.
The Friends of Murphys Point Park extend a big welcome to our Winter 2011 participants. Thanks also to our Skipper Judy, who looked after the woodstove in the drive shed and provided the snacks, as well as our program leader, Beth, and volunteers Heather, Nancy, Cathy and Steph.
Stay tuned for details of our winter survival program next week!
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